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Rules & Regulations

Park Rules & Regulations

  • Pets must be on a leash no longer than 8 feet
  • Alcoholic beverages prohibited
  • Motorized vehicles allowed on roads and parking lots only (ATVs are prohibited)
  • Dangerous weapons prohibited (ex: firearms including BB guns, pellet guns, paint ball guns, sling shots, knives, blow gun, metal knuckles, bows)
  • Damage to or removal of any natural or historic feature is prohibited (grape vines, fossils, trees, plants)
  • Releasing domestic or wild animals is prohibited
  • Bicycles may only be operated on roadways and paved bike trails. Riders must obey the same traffic regulations as motor vehicles
  • Feeding wildlife is prohibited
  • Fires are permitted in grills and designated areas only
  • Swimming is prohibited
  • Stay on trails, rock climbing is prohibited
  • Fishing is permitted (state fishing regulations are enforced), Spring Lakes Park requires a county fishing permit only
  • Mushroom hunting for personal use is permitted at park sites unless the area is closed due to ground conditions
These are a few of the main park rules found in the Greene County Parks & Trails Code of Rules & Regulations that you can download as a PDF or pick up from our office at 635 Dayton-Xenia Rd., Xenia, OH 45385.

Effective 01/01/2023 Greene County Parks & Trails will no longer provide refunds for public programs if the registrant, or a representative of the registrant, chooses to withdraw from the program. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Refunds, or household credits, will be provided if Greene County Parks & Trails cancels a program.

Due to excessive no-shows for free programming, Greene County Parks & Trails reserves the right to deactivate accounts of those that repeatedly do not attend.

No refund for any shelter, gazebo, facility or park area will be given for a cancellation 30 days or less prior to rental date. The Lodge at Clifton Reserve Policy is: No refund given for rentals cancelled 1-30 days prior to the rental date. A refund of 1/3 the rental amount will be given 31-60 days prior to the rental date, 2/3 the rental amount will be given 61-90 days prior to the rental date.


GCP&T’s social media sites are intended to serve as a mechanism for communication to the public from Greene County Parks & Trails on the listed topics. Any comments submitted to GCP&T pages and its list of fans are public records subject to disclosure pursuant to Section 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code.

These sites are not created as a public forum, but as a way for the Greene County office/department to communicate its message to the public. The comments expressed on this site by non-Greene County commentators or unauthorized officials do not necessarily reflect the official views of GCP&T. Comments posted to this page may be monitored during regular business hours. We reserve the right to remove inappropriate comments containing, but not limited to, the following types of content:

  • Vulgar, profane, obscene, violent, or offensive language and sexual content or links to sexual content;
  • Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, military status, disability, genetic information, or sexual orientation;
  • Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments;
  • Content that disrupts or disturbs the ability of the office/ department to express its message
  • Content that requires an inordinate amount of staff involvement or resources
  • Violation of any laws of the State of Ohio
  • Spam or solicitations of commerce, including but not limited to advertisements of a vendor’s products or services;
  • Content that supports or opposes political views, campaigns, or ballot measures;
  • Infringement upon copyrights or trademarks;
  • Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
  • Defamatory or personal attacks;
  • Threats to any person or organization;
  • Repetitive or duplicative posts by single or multiple users

The purpose of this clause allowing for the removal of public comment is to preserve the right of the office/department to express its views and activities without being subject to annoying, dangerous, or criminal behavior.

For your convenience, GCP&T social media sites may contain hypertext or other links to external Internet sites that are provided or maintained by GCP&T. Please note that GCP&T cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of these external sites. In addition to material posted by this office/department, this page may include ads and suggestions for other profiles to view selected by Facebook/Twitter and links to third party sites included in user comments. The inclusion of these ads, profiles, and links is outside of the control of this office/department and are not an official endorsement of any product, person, or service, and may not be quoted or reproduced for the purpose of stating or implying endorsement or approval of any product, person, or service. GCP&T does not receive any revenue from any of these links or sites.


AMA Sanctioned Model Aircraft Flying Field Rules & Regulations

These field rules were developed in concert with the AMA safety code and other requirements unique to this site. All county park regulations apply.

  1. Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership and insurance is required to fly. AMA cards must be carried on person and produced to County Rangers if asked. Compliance with the AMA Safety Code is required.
  2. This area is designated for model sailplanes/battery powered aircraft only. (NO GAS POWERED AIRCRART). Electric motors can only be used to take sailplanes to altitude and motor runs are limited to 30 sec.
  3. All model sailplanes/battery powered aircraft must meet minimum AMA safety standards for airworthiness.
  4. The use of Spread Spectrum (2.4GHZ) frequency is highly encouraged. Pilots on other frequencies must self-ensure frequency control by announcing, checking and coordinating with other pilots for interference.
  5. The pilot of the model sailplanes/battery powered aircraft shall maintain control during the entire flight, maintaining visual contact at all times.
  6. Sailplanes/battery powered aircraft pilots will yield the right of way to all human-carrying aircraft, as well as other model aircraft using see and avoid maneuvers.
  7. All pilots shall avoid flying directly over unprotected people, vehicles or structures and shall avoid endangerment of life and property of others.
  8. Sailplanes/battery powered aircraft will not be flown closer than 50 feet above-ground electric utility lines and will fly within the boundaries of the park.
  9. Flying is not permitted north of Yellow Springs Fairfield Road regardless of height.
  10. Parking of vehicles will be in County designated areas except for loading or unloading of models and flight equipment.
  11. Non-compliance of these rules will subject the pilot to denial of field privileges.

Greene County Parks & Trails and the Dayton Area Thermal Soarers invite you to enjoy this facility and help to insure that it remains a safe and convenient place to fly sailplanes/battery powered aircraft by observing the above field rules. Have fun and fly safely.

Download the AMA Sanctioned Model Aircraft Flying Field Rules and Regulations (DOC)

Contact us if you have any questions.

Contact Michelle Jenkins

Contact Amy Salser

Contact Greene County Parks

Contact Wade Beam

Contact Darrell Hannah

Contact Chuck Frazier

Contact Rick Inman

Contact Ashlee Schmitt

Contact Robin Gregory

Contact Greene County Parks & Trails