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Where in the world did

Road Trip Rick go?

Meet Road Trip Rick!

He traveled the world this year and he really appreciates all of you who let him tag along in your suitcases as you visited places far and near. Check out this video of his excursions, and explore the Google map by clicking on all the places he went.

Meet Road Trip Rick!

He is looking to travel the world and he wants to hop in your suitcase to go on your next trip. Statue of Liberty? Las Vegas? Niagara Falls? He’s ready to go!

Help us out by picking up Road Trip Rick before your next voyage far or near, then send us your most creative photo of him (family friendly, please!) at your destination. We will be tracking his travels and sharing updates throughout the year.

All you have to do is stop by our office at 635 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia  to pick up your limited edition Road Trip Rick, then take off! Quantities are limited. If you’re not able to travel but still want in on the fun, download and print this Road Trip Rick for a selfie in your backyard, home, or neighborhood.

You can submit your photo in one of three ways: 

  • Post to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #roadtriprick or tag @GreeneCountyParksTrails.
  • Complete and submit the form on this page with your photo attached.
  • Email your photo and a brief description to with “Road Trip Rick” in the subject line.

That’s it! Super fun and easy. Now hit the road with your new traveling companion and be creative!