Experience tranquility. Recharge your spirit.

Walk the trail. Watch for wildlife. Your smile will thank you.


Most of us have a pretty clear picture of our dream homes. For some, it’s an estate among rolling hills. For others, a smart and efficient bungalow, downsized and decorated for pure relaxation.

If you were a great egret or a blue heron, your dream home would likely be a place just like Cemex Reserve – marshes with delicious fish, a wet prairie for maintaining cover, meadows and shrubs for raising a family – perfect.

Cemex Reserve, in Fairborn, is the beautiful wetlands that may not have been. Donated by Cemex Corporation, funded by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and supported by the Beavercreek Wetlands Association and Wright State, Cemex Reserve is an amazing dream home for all sorts of wildlife.

Feed your imagination.

Share your gifts.

If you are an artist or photographer – professionally or for fun – head out to Cemex – so much to see and experience and you’ll find your imagination captured. And, we hope, you’ll be inspired to capture those experiences through your art and share it with us!

Cemex Reserve
1100 Sanctuary Drive
Fairborn, OH 45324

Mobile Guide and Directions:

Contact Michelle Jenkins

Contact Amy Salser

Contact Greene County Parks

Contact Wade Beam

Contact Darrell Hannah

Contact Chuck Frazier

Contact Rick Inman

Contact Ashlee Schmitt

Contact Robin Gregory

Contact Greene County Parks & Trails

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